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New unpublished quarries for registered investors :
QFS: el lugar para inversores y propietarios de canteras
REF- UR-202773333
"Descubra una oportunidad única de invertir en una cantera de gabro negro en Uruguay, un país seguro y estable para los inversores. Este material geológicamente único es el mismo que Nero Assoluto de Zimbabwe, lo que lo convierte en una valiosa adición a cualquier proyecto. Con todas las licencias vigentes y un equipo de cantera productor de Brasil, esta es una inversión obvia. No pierdas esta oportunidad de poseer una pieza de los materiales más raros de la tierra".
Cantera activa y en producción en un terreno de 69 acres con todas las licencias vigentes y un equipo de cantera de Brasil
Vida de la cantera 17 años a 600 cbm/mes y 7200 cbm/año.
Precio FOB por metro cúbico todos los costos incluidos $ 590,00 USD/metro cúbico
Precio de venta FOB por metro cúbico $ aproximadamente 1000,00 USD / metro cúbico
Producción actual 300cbm/mes (3.600cbm por año)
Precio de venta: € 1,9 M EUR
Financiación disponible - 250.000 € de anticipo - Transferencia de acciones 612.500 € y 1.037.500 € en 3 años
Cantera activa de carbonato de calcio/travertino de Anden: ¡la cantera más alta del mundo!
Esta cantera es una oportunidad única para adquirir una cantera en pleno funcionamiento en el distrito de Yanacancha, provincia de Chupaca. Ubicada a una altura de 4.200 a 4.400 metros sobre el nivel del mar, esta cantera es una propuesta intrigante para inversores u organizaciones interesadas en operaciones mineras. Con su altitud única y sus ricas reservas de travertino y carbonato de calcio, esta propiedad ofrece una clara oportunidad de inversión en una de las canteras más altas del mundo.
Tamaño de la propiedad total 123 Ha con reservas estimadas de más de 3,0 millones de metros cúbicos (8,4 millones de toneladas) Carbonato de calcio/travertino.
Licencia minera: La licencia minera tiene una vigencia con fecha de finalización permanente/indefinida. El pago anual de renovación de la concesión es de $370 USD
Producción actual: 200 metros cúbicos de bloques de travertino y 500 toneladas de piedra triturada de carbonato de calcio por mes.
El travertino de color beige y marfil disponible es apreciado por su textura única y colores naturales, y se usa comúnmente para proyectos de pisos, encimeras y fachadas de edificios en todo el mundo. La cantera puede proporcionar enormes bloques de travertino del tamaño de una sierra circular. La cantera también ofrece carbonato de calcio molido (el análisis químico muestra un contenido de carbonato de calcio del 97,98%), que se utiliza en industrias como pintura, producción de CAL, cemento, vidrio y
Distancia a Lima 300km.
Como parte del acuerdo también puede estar disponible una fábrica procesadora de bloques operativa ubicada en Lima que produce baldosas de travertino. Esto brinda una gran oportunidad para que los compradores expandan sus operaciones y comiencen inmediatamente a producir losas de travertino o productos terminados (baldosas, encimeras, etc.) para los mercados de la construcción.
Motivo de la venta: sin sucesor. El propietario permanecerá disponible durante un largo período de transición o gestión.
Esta es una operación completamente activa con mano de obra completa y maquinaria lista para hacerse cargo.
Precio de venta $ 1,19 M USD
REF-US-CA 2024983421
La mina se compone de tres (3) Placer Claims de 40 acres, cada uno de los cuales contiene un predominio de mineral de zeolita clinoptilolita de alta calidad. Las reservas estimadas son de 20 a 50 millones de toneladas según el ancho y la profundidad de los estratos que corren de este a oeste a través del centro de esta propiedad minera de zeolita natural de 120 acres.
Zeolita clinoptilolita
como suplementos dietéticos para tratar el cáncer, la diarrea, el autismo, el herpes y la resaca, y para equilibrar el pH y eliminar metales pesados del cuerpo.
La clinoptilolita es un tipo de suplemento mineral que se utiliza a menudo para ayudar con la digestión y la desintoxicación.
como puzolana natural ligera en la fabricación de cementos y hormigón
numerosas aplicaciones agrícolas, como diluyentes de fertilizantes y acondicionadores de suelos, y como portador de pesticidas, fungicidas y herbicidas, así como trampas de metales pesados y para nutrición animal y suplementos dietéticos. La zeolita se usa ampliamente para el control de olores y emisiones en lecherías y lagunas lecheras.
utilizó un catalizador de intercambio iónico utilizado en la purificación de agua y efluentes de aguas residuales municipales, en la producción de oxígeno de alta pureza a partir del aire, como catalizador de reformado de petróleo, como absorbente resistente a los ácidos en el secado y purificación de gas natural... ..
Precio de venta: $ 1,9 M USD
SLATE dimension stone quarry plus active production
REF- SP-20241264522
Located in the Pre-Pyrenees at less than 100 km from Barcelona this Dimensional Stone, due to its beautiful blue base color and brown weathering, is a favorite stone for Building, Cladding and Landscaping in all of the Eastern Pyrenees (Spain, Andorra, France), as well as getting more and more popular in Urban Areas.
Two quarries, one dormant, one active, supply this well established stone, which
helps chalets, apartment- and other buildings as well as landscaping elements
(e.g. wire caging wall, gravel) to blend in, seamlessly in mountainous backdrops
(Pyrenees) as well as getting more and more used in the booming Barcelona
Metropolitan Area.
Popular by stonemasons of the area as its bi-directional 'slate' nature makes it very easy to split and to work with.
Each quarry is covered by its own Spanish C-Section Concession. One of 30 Hectares, one of 60 Hectares. The first concession has 4,7 hectares authorized for quarry purposes and an actual active quarry of 1,7 hectares and estimated reserves of 400.000 m3. The 60 hectares concession has 2,3 hectares authorized of which 1,5 hectares on own land,currently dormant.
Sales Price € 1,49 M Euro
REF- US-CA 202411141
THE ALBITE MINE is fully permitted and consists of three privately owned, fee simple, parcels totaling 148 acres of mine property bounded on three sides by Bureau of Land Management property. The Mine was actively mined and operated from 1963 – 1983 and produced thousands of tons of high quality “Albite Feldspar” for use in glassmaking, ceramics, and porcelain for sinks, toilets and tubs made by the American Standard.
ALBITE (Feldspar) is really a member that is unusual of Plagioclase Feldspars of the Feldspar Group of minerals that includes Albite, Amazonite, Andesine, Anorthite, Bytownite, Hyalophane, Labradorite, Moonstone, Oligoclase, Orthoclase, Sanidine and Sunstone. The Plagioclase Feldspars form a set between Albite and Anorthite. Albite could be the sodium-rich end member while Anorthite is the calcium-rich end member and Oligoclase is the member that is intermediate. Albite is also an final end member of the alkali or K-Feldspars. An assortment of Albite called Cleavelandite is rarely found as white inclusions in Quartz. Albite is considered a mineral that is fluorescent it fluoresces cherry red under SW UV light and white under LW UV light.
Chemical Formula: Na[AlSi3O8] Sodium Aluminum Silicate
Sales Price: $ 1,1 M USD
Active Granite dimension stone quarry plus active production
REF- SP-2023127772
Size of total property 5,0 Ha (12,4 ares) Size of extraction area 2,5 Ha (6,2 cres) and resoreves of more than 2,5 M tons
Current production: 1.500 tons per anno. Processing area of 1500 sqm with 3 large block cutters, 7 bride saws plus variety of surface finish equipment (flaming/Sandblasting/brushed/bush hammered/honed/polished).
Quarry: fully equipped with 2 Front Loaders, Articulated Truck, 1 Digger and variety of drilling and blocks cutting equipment. Full Water access and Power supply by energy supplier
All mining and operation licenses in place and a large customer base.
Reason for sale : no successor - Owner will remain available for long transition or management period.
We call this material a bread and butter material his Granite is a high demanded material within Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Stable project, but with important growth potential in further international sales (UK, Scandinavia and Benelux)
This is a fully active operation with full manpower and machinery ready to take over.
Sales Price € 1,85 M Euro
Intense Black Microgabbro dimension stone quarry in Uruguay named as the
"Switzerland of South America" REF- UR-80239991
Currently dormant quarry with mining permit and all licenses in place for
18 Ha ( 45 acres) plus storage area of 1 Ha, no restriction in extending of the extraction area.
The opening (Front A – Absolute Black) has 150m long (front of extraction) by 45m wide (operative area) and 7m depth.
Blocks quarries so far:
More than 4 cbm/pcs - 33,50% - Blocks 3-4 cbm/pcs - 32.33 % - Blocks 2-3 cbm/pcs -19.21%
smaller blocks 1-2 cbm/pcs - 14,96%
Mining license not quantity restricted and valid until 2042. (can be extended 2 times more 15 years each = 2072)
Geological report available and all documents
Located in the South of Uruguay close to the Port of Montevideo in 119km distance
Sales Price: € 3,95 M USD
Technical properties: Weight of volume unit (P). = 3061 Kg/m3 - Compression breaking load (Cs) = 2678 Kg/cm2.
Blue Sodalite dimension stone quarry in Zambia Africa
REF- ZB-80292023
Currently dormant quarry with small scale mining permit and all licenses in place for
162Ha - Total mining area is 400Ha - Long term government landowner agreement in place
Current extraction area is 1 Ha - no restriction in extending of the extraction area.
Mining license not quantity restricted and valid until 2030.
Geological report available.
Extraction of King size blocks 300/200/X cm possible which sells for 1.500 Euro/cbm ex quarry.
Office building, employee building plus container storage included. No machines or equipment included in sales price. Water supply by own water well
Reason for sale : Age of German owners
Sales Price: € 3,9 M EUR
Sodalite (/ˈsoʊ.dəˌlaɪt/ SOH-də-lyte) is a tectosilicate mineral with the formula Na 8(Al 6Si 6O 24)Cl2, with royal blue varieties widely used as an ornamental gemstone. Although massive sodalite samples are opaque, crystals are usually transparent to translucent. Sodalite is a member of the sodalite group with hauyne, nosean, lazurite and tugtupite.
Large Cream and Beige Marble Quarries in Northeast Mexico
REF- MEX-82023702
Located in nueva Victoria, Coahulla, 180 Miles West of Monterrey (Tesla just invested in a gigafactory close in Monterey) and approximately 450 Miles Southwest of San Antonio – Texas – USA
Own land : 950 Acre property containing huge reserves of several well-known Cream and Beige Marbles.
Quarries are opened up and ready for further exploitation.
Reserves still to quarry : 300 Million Tons.
Status : active and all necessary permits in place.
Sales Price: € 7,9 M USD
Materials already have references from significant projects amongst which an airport, hotels as well as several residential projects. Ideal operation/production to near-source for the huge demand of cream marble both for the Mexican as well as the U.S. market.
Black granite (gabbro) dimension stone quarry incl. production plant in South Spain
Active black Gabbro quarry operation 15 Ha with 180 ha extension possibility already licensed and approved.
Quarry equipped with full pressured Air Network, Landline Electricity and quarry expert team.
Includes active fully operational factory to process the stone including:
3,5 m disc saws, Automatic polishing line, Automatic flaming line, Various secondary disc saws
Versatile factory which produces everything from monuments, Slabs and every finished material to cobblestone products. Geological report available.
Included is a Spanish Limited liability company in good standing.
Sales Price € 2,49 M EURO
Optional B&P multilingual management team available to run the entire production
and marketing and sales
Marble quarry in the Italian Alps (1.000m above sea level) close to Austria/Switzerland and Germany
REF 202307-MA-152-IT
Designated quarry area of 21.000 sqm plus adjacent 11.000sqm production area.
Status dormant : Can set in active status within a few weeks.
Material: High demanded Marble in two colors can be extracted separatly in two sections of the quarry.
Green project : Zero Waste concept in place - extraction of ornamental stone blocks + production of landscape products + Gabbion stones + decoration aggregate for the Swiss/Austrian and German market.
External B&P full service for out of stone business investors as an option: Extraction+Production+marketing/sales modules. No investment in equipment, quarry teams or management necessary.
Lucrative investment: Profit more than € 9.0 M after 16 years - cashflow projections available.
Full geologigal report and full presentation available.
Sale of an Italian S.L. in good standing and clean balance sheet, holding extraction lisences for 16 years (extendable), landowner agreements and neccesary national and local permissions in place to run the entire quarry operation.
Rightout sale for € 1.79 M Euro
Ireland West Coast - ideally located - REF 202304-AF-20-IRE
Current status: fully functional, all licenses and permits in place - annual production of more than 30.000 tons.
Zero waste operation: Block extraction, split products like wallstones, cobbles, flooring tiles all smaller blocks and waste crushed to aggregate sold locally into asphalt and concrete industry.
Investment into multi wire saw and cut to size machines and labour force recommended.
Sandstone: quartzitic Sandstone (more than 81% quartz content) with unique earth colors brownish/grey/greenish
Logistic: the new deepwater harbour 59 miles from quarry can enhance the current sandstone business as shipments up to 20.000 tons possible to UK, France and Rest of Europe.
Lucrative and profitable: yes indeed
Property: 22,70 Hectares - Mining license 9,68 Hectares - Reserves for dimension stone blocks more than 150.000 tons and aggregates of more than 1 Million tons (9,69Ha).
Rightout sale for € 2.9 M Euro
South Norway - ideally located 3km to deep water harbour
REF 202304-NO-32-NOR
Current status: fully functional, all licenses and permits in place - annual production of more than 170.000 tons.
all sold in the local market for good prices.
Zero waste operation: very small block extraction, split products like wall stones and blocks for retainer walls and waste crushed to aggregate/sand sold locally into asphalt and concrete industry.
Larvikite is an igneous rock, specifically a variety of monzonite, notable for the presence of thumbnail-sized crystals of feldspar. Similiar hardness as Granites and Gabbros.
Logistic: Shipping of up to 30.000 tons bulk vessels possible and therefore extremely good freight rates to Northern-Germany 360 miles /Netherlands 430miles and Belgium 460miles.
Lucrative and profitable 3rd party crushing team. Production capacity scalable.
Active operation with all geological reports, test certificates and all relevant operating permits and permits available and a gravel production of currently 170,000 tons / year with single-shift operation and 12 months / year.
All fractions 0-9mm up to 0-64mm, 4-8mm up to 11/16mm up to 22-64mm and retainer wall blocks are currently sold in the local market for good prices.
Mining license and extraction area is 188.000m2 (18Ha - 47acres) - Reserves of more than 20.0 Million tons
No quantity limitation of extraction and crushing.
Comes with all agreement, contracts and customer base
Rightout sale for € 3.5 M Euro
REF 202304-CG-30-IRE
Investment of € 2,5 M Euro wanted to extend quarry, block extraction for cut to size and split products for the local market in Ireland and UK. Architects and contracting authorities are desperately demanding local and EU ornamental stone products.
Different investment models possible and discussable to partner up with current owner team.
Current status: fully functional, all licenses and permits in place - annual production of more than 30.000 tons.
Zero waste operation: Block extraction, split products like wallstones,cobbles, all smaller blocks and waste crushed to aggregate sold locally.
Currently delivering hard rock material for 25 Million Euro government deepwater quay facility project to finish in 2024.
Granite color: unique bluish grey
Logistic: the new deepwater harbour 6 miles from quarry will enhance the Granite business as shipments up to 20.000 tons possible to UK, France and Rest of Europe.
Lucrative and profitable : yes indeed - investments of more than 1 Million Euro paid from Cash Flow
Property: 30 acres - Mining license 20 acres - Reserves of more than 10 Million tons
or rightout sale for € 6.9 M Euro
Investment of $ 1,9 M USD wanted to reactivate quarry and block extraction of dark Nero Impala and Impala blue. This is one of the most demanded rock worldwide.
Different investment models possible to partner up with current owner team.
Current status: dormant but fully functional, all licenses and permits in place
Lucrative and profitable : yes indeed
Reserves of more than 2,5 Million Cubicmeters
or rightout sale for $ 3.9 M USD
High-grade white Gypsum deposit - proven 24 Million tons reserve - Teruel area
REF ES-05052022
Sales price: EUR € 3,9 M
This operation has a current mining licenses and ready to activate and start activities.
High-grade white Gypsum deposit - proven 70 Million tons reserve - Teruel area
REF ES-050512022
Sales price: EUR € 8,9 M
This operation has a current mining licenses and ready to activate and start activities.
Blue King dimension stone quarry in Zambia-Africa
REF- ZB-20022022
Dormant quarry with small scale mining permit and all licenses in place for 190Ha - dormant extraction area is 4 Ha
Blue syenite reserves : around 15.000cbm good marketable blocks
White syenite, Pinkish syenite and greyish syenite also included in the mining licence
Much larger deposit of Nepheline detected.
Geological report available.
Sales Price $ 2,19 M USD
Black granite (gabbro) dimension stone quarry incl. production plant in South Spain
Active black Gabbro quarry operation 15 Ha with 180 ha extension possibility already licensed and approved.
Quarry equipped with full pressured Air Network, Landline Electricity and quarry expert team.
Includes active fully operational factory to process the stone including:
3,5 m disc saws, Automatic polishing line, Automatic flaming line, Various secondary disc saws
Versatile factory which produces everything from monuments, Slabs and every finished material to cobblestone products. Geological report available.
Included is a Spanish Limited liability company in good standing.
Sales Price € 2,49 M EURO
Optional B&P multilingual management team available to run the entire production
and marketing and sales
Active Dolomitic Limestone quarry aggregate operation in Romania
Operation is located right at the border to Hungary right at the A1 motorway.
Active quarry with all mining permits and licenses in place for 16,67 Ha extraction area.
Resources still to quarry = 13,5 Million tons
Dolomite limestone aggregate certified for hydraulically linked and unlinked materials, construction, concrete, bituminous mixtures.
Geological report available.
Comes with customer base Romania and Hungary
200km to Budapest - 200km to Belgrade
Included in the sales price:
Fixed electricity-powered plant with jaw crusher, vibration screen and conveyor belts. Production capacity 80-100 to/h;
Mobile crusher LIEZEN Rc-J 108/80/T, loading equipment Dumpers, bulldozer, Trucks, Tipper trailers, excavators, office buildings, storage, truck scale etc.etc.
Sales Price € 5,9 M Euro
Ready to take over and continue business
Limestone quarry in East Poland
REF POL-01992021
Quarry is not located in a Natura 2000 Zone and was operated sporadically over the last 10 years and therefore virgin.
9,3 Hectars (477 acres) mining and extraction license valid until 2039 (extendable) entire land privately owned .
Excellent logistics with 18km distance access to narrow and broad gauge rail and road network.
Resource: 4.698.624 metric tons.
Applications : Construction, Agriculture, Fertiliser, Chemical industry and quicklime production.
All geological reports and relevant licenses and permissions in place and available.
Current Status: dormant since 2018.
Polish limited liability company debtfree and in good standing included in the sale.
Sales price: EUR € 4,90 M
Optional 7,0 Hectare industrial property with former brick factory (1,6 Ha) for future production facility. Natural-Gas-Pipeline 40 € 349.000 Euro
Active sand/gravel pit - gneiss-quartzite-sand operation in Romania
Operation is located right at the border to Hungary right at the A1 motorway.
Active pit with all extraction permits and licenses in place for 13,7 Ha extraction area (44,13) Ha extendable to 70 Ha.
Resources till to quarry = 9,3 Million tons (14,5 Million tons)
Sand and Gravel certified for hydraulically linked and unlinked materials, construction, concrete, bituminous mixtures.
Geological report available.
Comes with customer base Romania and Hungary - 200km to Budapest - 200km to Belgrade
Included in the sales price:
Fixed electricity-powered plant with vibration screen (four decks, water installation on every deck for aggregate washing), two sand washers and conveyor belts. Production capacity 80-100 to/h;
• Feeding vibrating tunnel which makes possible operating the quarry with a minimum need of loading machinery;
• Oce unit with electronic scales for truck weighting - Grade 3 laboratory - Storage units - containers
• Gas storage tank with a capacity of 3500 liters - Lockers.
• Wheel loader VOLVO L120
• Dragline excavator RUSTON BUCYRUS RB-71 • Dredging hydraulic pump
• Aggregate washer
Sales Price € 2,7 M Euro
Ready to take over and continue business